Block Populators

Populate your worlds with CustomBlocks or Furnitures!

Supports Furnitures, Noteblocks, Stringblocks and Vanilla Materials

Flowers Populator Example

With Block Populators you can simply populate your world with for eg. flowers:

# Example

sword_flower:                             # nexo item id
  iterations: 5
  worlds: [ world ]
  maxY: 120
  minY: 20
  biomes: [ PLAINS, BIRCH_FOREST ]
  chance: 1
  air_only: true                          # Replace Air only
  place_on: [ GRASS_BLOCK ]

Ore Populator Example

Create custom ores in veins!

# Example

  iterations: 10
  worlds: [ world ]
  maxY: 20
  minY: 0
  biomes: [  ]
  chance: 0.4
  replace: [ STONE, DEEPSLATE ]
  vein_size: 5
  cluster_chance: 1

Place below - Icicles

# Example made by Phil (discord: voogle)

  iterations: 50
  worlds: [ world ]
  maxY: 150
  minY: 61
  chance: 1
  air_only: true                                                     # Replace Air only
  place_below: [ SPRUCE_LEAVES, OAK_LEAVES ]

# custom_block:            # The unique ID of a Nexo custom block or Nexo furniture item to be placed.
#   iterations: 50         # Number of placement attempts per chunk. Higher numbers increase the chance of generating the block.
#   worlds: [ world ]      # List of worlds where the custom block can spawn. Example: [ world, world_nether, world_the_end ].
#   maxY: 50               # Maximum Y-level where the custom block can spawn within the chunk.
#   minY: 20               # Minimum Y-level where the custom block can spawn within the chunk.
#   biomes: [ SWAMP ]      # List of biomes where the custom block can spawn. Use an empty list `[]` for all biomes.
#   chance: 0.2            # Probability of the custom block spawning in the chunk. Value ranges from 0.0 (never) to 1.0 (always).
#   replace:               # List of block types that the custom block can replace. Leave empty if not replacing any blocks.
#     - STONE              # Example: Replaces STONE blocks during generation.
#   place_on: [ STONE ]    # Optional: List of block types that the custom block can be placed on. Overrides `replace` if provided.
#   place_below: [ STONE ] # Optional: List of block types that the custom block can be placed below. Overrides `replace` if provided.
#   air_only: false        # Optional: Replace Air only (for place_on and place_below).
#   vein_size: 5           # Optional: Maximum number of blocks in a vein. Set to 0 for single block placement. Default: 0.
#   cluster_chance: 0.8    # Optional: Probability of cluster (vein) formation within the chunk. Defaults to 0.0 for no clustering.

Last updated